Sunday, March 14, 2010

On The Scale Michael the archangel

On The Scale Michael the archangel
We are going to look at the evidence presented on both sides what critics say about Seventh Day Adventist on this topic.

From the critics

This is from Youtube user Kindomentality
He claims that we are a cult becouse of our stance on Michael the Archangel
He claims that SDA believe that Jesus is an angel when say that His other name or title is Michael. The following videos are from his stance on it then Seventh Day Adventist stance on this topic please "prayfully" review very carfully along with your Bible and decide for yourself thank you As Always I Stand By The Word God Bless!

Here is SD's Stance on the topic

Enough Is Enough Cult Pointers Part 1 Michael the archangel debate

A video study on the topic

So more videos dealing with this critic

Enough Is Enough Cult Pointers Part 6 Michael the Archangel Debate Reloaded

After prayfully reviewing what was presented you should have seen clearly what was said on this topic but if you choose to cling to the lie that we believe that he is an angel it's becouse you choose to! Thanks for reviewing As Always I Stand By The Word God Bless!

This post will be updated from time to time